Hhmm..anything in that giganto tummy?
We have a new family member, baby Nicolas, born on Oct. 17th 2008 after a long labor (that is another story). So far, both Axle and Cami have been very well behaved. Once in a while, Cami hovers around Nicolas' cot, trying to get a peek and wagging her tail with glee whenever she catches a glimpse of him. She also acts as his personal body guard , letting out barks whenever she hears or sees anything suspicious. Axle so far has been indifferent with the baby around, being his normal cool self.
Cami: I see something in the playpen!
Keeping watch...
The key thing for us is to still pay attention to the furkids whenever possible so that they don't feel left out. Need to keep to their usual routine as much as possible with daily walks and scratches.
Axle: Is it time to play yet?
congratulation to u and ur family.
Oh my, big congratulations to your Mama & you guys!!!!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Gosh! i finally found someone in malaysia with a cairn terrier... can you please please tell me where can i get one?? Yours are gorgeousss....
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