Prior to Christmas 08, we had a visitor stay over for a weekend while his owners were away having fun in Singapore. This visitor was none other than Groovy, the hyper JRT with endless energy and incredibly long-lasting stamina! It was his 2nd sleepover with us so he is no stranger to our home and is good friends with Axle and Cami.
Compared to his usual active lifestyle, it was definitely a change of pace for Groovy. Needless to say, there were no exciting outings to pubs and restaurants but more resort like with plenty of R&R. The Cairn resort is a place to relax and rejuvenate with plenty of sleep, good eats, and scheduled playtime.
One good thing about our Cairns is that they are not picky eaters (except after Cami’s heat then we need to keep switching kibbles on her and add in dollops of wet food to get her to eat). Hence, it’s each dog to him/herself when it comes to food. Groovy, whom is normally a light weight when it comes to eating, tends to have a better appetite whenever he checks into the Cairn resort. Could it be that his food somehow tastes better here or that he fears the circling Cairn vultures?
Where's the food???
The (3) doggieteers begging for their dinner
Cami: Are you done yet?
Axle & Cami checking to make sure there is no food wasted in view of the slumping economy
Cami: You need to lick up everything. Let me show you how it's done...
Did I already mention that sleeping is the way of life in the Cairn resort? It sure didn’t take long for Groovy to get accustomed to the resort culture.
Groovy: Somehow the resort pillow is more comfortable...
Snoozing under the teak bench
And of course, what is a dog’s life without playtime…fortunately, our garden now has grass suitable for running, unlike Groovy’s first visit when our garden was overgrown with weed.
Frisbee maniacs
Groovy: So far so good...I think I will be back for more Cairn company. I even had time to take some handsome self portraits...