The last dog event was organized by at Bandar Utama Park in conjunction of their annual doggie olympics which mainly consisted of numerous games, schutzhund trials, and a rare agility dog trials!

Random PhotosIt has been a long while since an agility trial was held by this organization which was found to be a waste considering they have the best looking agility equipment around Malaysia. Although there was only one class for each maxi and mini, it was definitely a good start in promoting agility games in the country. Needless to say, a group of us from Pet-N-U decided to participate (us crazy people seem to join close to every agility event) including Cami. We figured that Axle's food was running out and he seems to love ProPlan so we were rooting for some bag(s) of doggie food prizes. The outcome of the agility trials were a little bit of a letdown as the course was quite extraordinary. Unlike the normal smooth paths in conventional courses, this time it seemed like a maze to both dogs and handlers. There were many confused handlers who were looking around in vain for the next obstacle while running their dogs midway during the course. This resulted in many faults and eliminations due to dogs running around, wrong sequence, etc. Luckily, the rules does not call for an immediate elimination if a wrong sequence is taken otherwise those prizes will need to be saved for's next event!

Joanna & Odie

Fawn & Groovy

Chan & Kimi

Amanda & Pacco

Melissa & Amber

Lawrence & Cami

60-Weave Pole Challenge

Long story short, we and our doggie pals managed to haul back some prizes including some from games such as Simon Says, Fastest Recall, 60 pole weave, and hurdle race. Cami took 2nd place in the agility trials, 2nd in 60 pole weave, and 2nd in hurdle race. Looks like the curse of #2 is getting serious and we need to find a way to break this curse...However, we were generally quite pleased with her performance and needless to say, proud of her achievement especially in the weave pole and hurdle races since she is quite a mini size dog competing against many other stronger and bigger opponents. Way to go mini-cam!

Agility Winners

Shiny Throphy & Medals

Group taking a break
As usual, all winnings will benefit big-bro Axle who waited patiently at home for the good news.

Axle: Excellent...